Monday, April 15, 2013

Thank you Lord ...

Praise be The Lord ...

All I know is now, Thank you to my Lord ...

Situations looks impossible, how it will work!, nothing is happening. But all I am looking towards my God , that for HIM nothing is impossible, HE is above all, what all we cannot do in our own strength, our God can do ... Know that HE controls everything and everyone , As HE is a creator of all ...

If our God is with us, then who can stand against us ...

I know our Lord will bless us with the desires of our heart, as HE has given us those dreams. Still i say my Lord, not mine but Your will be done ... All i want to say Thank You Lord ...

I will always praise You Lord for Your goodness ...

I declare we will always stand in your praise ...

Father, we pray to you let Your peace and love be felt in each heart ...
Amen ...

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