Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hosanna in the Highest ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Hosanna in the highest ... 
In praise of God ...

We Praise you Lord and for all the days of our life ... You immense love which flow within us makes us strong.

My life is in You Lord,
My strength is in You Lord,
My hope is in You Lord
In You ... is in You ...

I'll praise you with all of my heart,
I'll praise you with all of my hope,
With all of my life, and with all of my strength
All of my hope is in You ...

We do have many people around us, but our value is only our Lord knows who created us.
people say they love each other, but no comparison with our Heavenly Father's love ...
In fact no one can love you that he or she will give their life for you.

Lord Jesus has given up himself to save us, that's how much HE loves us ...

No matter where i be in life, I will always praise you Lord ... for your goodness and love ...

I am blessed that you accepted us and cleansed us.

We pray to you Lord, place your merciful hand on all you created and bless them that they always serve you and stand in your praise ...

Amen ...

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