Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God will make a way, where seems to be no way …

Praise be the Lord …

God will make a way, where seems to be no way … This gives enough strength to be firm even in worse times of our lives. All seems dark and gloomy to us. But we need to push ourselves more in that time towards our God , that HE is in complete control and all will be good. God knows are needs and always fulfills.

Yes I don’t see things happening, anything right now; don’t have funds, how to feed family, medical urgency, kids are on wrong path, marital problems, addictions, not getting job, not getting married and many more. But our God says, you don’t have to worry about them, I am in complete control. Our God is in complete control and does all for our good only. We need to be persistent in our efforts and trust HIM always ...

All experts will say cannot happen, But my God is over and above all and nothing is impossible for HIM …

All we receive is from HIM and so all we should give to HIM … I trust You Father, that all will be good …

Father we pray to you, fill us with your Holy Spirit that we look only to You and move only towards You …

Amen …

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ ...

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