Saturday, April 6, 2013

Remember the Good …

Praise be the Lord …

We all go through the times of difficulties, but we all have good times also in our lives. It’s just we keep recalling hurtful memories rather than the happy ones.

There have been times when people hurt us, we get failed in our tasks; times we went through extreme poverty, we all go through disappointments, unfair situations. But we need to dwell on good times, times which our Lord has blessed us with.

The way happiness attracts happiness, same way sadness attracts sadness.
Our happiness is in our own hands. It’s ok if someone hurt us, it's ok we have gone through unfair things.

Just divert your mind towards when you have received all unexpected good, times when you met your life partner, times when you have got promotion, times when you have received unexpected funds, you actually flourished, times when your life was spared from big accident or disease, times when God has blessed your family and reunited them, times when God has blessed you with a baby and many many more…

Dwell on all blessings that you have. it's a challenge that you will find blessings to be many more as compared to your disappointments.

God is the Alpha and Omega …

By sending HIS only beloved Son Jesus Christ , our Lord has shown us how much HE loves us that HE has not even spared HIS own Son , and by giving up HIS life on cross HE has also shown us that love is all the biggest … the way God has loved us …

I am filled with great peace and love that our Lord loves us so much …

Father we pray to you, The way you have loved us … we also love you and the way you have served, we also serve …

Amen …

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