Thursday, April 11, 2013

HE washed it white as snow …

Praise be the Lord …

If we say that we have not sinned, we make HIM a liar, and HIS word is not in us. (1 John 1:10)

“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD : “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool … (Isiah 1:18)

Crimson is deep-purplish red color. That’s how deep the sinful nature of human and with the time it’s increasing. however i understand ad it also written who with true heart will come to HIM and repent and accept HIM as HIS Lord and Saviour … HE will wash away those sins and make it like a white snow. As if there was no sin at all.

To do anything first we have to believe. So believe in HIM and we will not lack in anything. We all go through many situations in our daily lives and sometimes find ourselves completely crushed. Ask a question to yourself, if someone has done wrong with you. Will you be able to forgive that person! Our Lord does, no matter what all serious sins we have committed, but when with true heart we go to HIM , HE forgives us and accepts us.

Before doing anything I understand we should make it a practice to think that, will my God like this if I do! Consult HIM before doing anything, as HE has promised HE will always directs our steps if we will seek HIM …

I feel a sensation of immense love inside me, the love of our God … how much HE loves us! There’s no limit to it! I am amazed on this really amazed.

Father we pray to you, all those people who are bounded by the evil chains release them. Destroy the sinful life in them and fill them with your eternal love …

we make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ …

Amen …

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