Monday, April 22, 2013

Ask and you will receive ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Whatever you will ask in my name, that will i do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you will ask anything in my name, i will do it ... (John 14:13-14)

Our heavenly Father, always gives us so much lavishly ... because HE loves us ...
All that we receive comes from our heavenly Father ... every good gift...

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:26)

We should pray in all circumstances with true and loving heart and ask our Father for the desires of our heart and that HE gives us according to HIS will ...

Could be times when what we look for and do not get, everything has a reason. If God has not given you that wish, must be for your good. Because HE loves you very much. And will give you what is best for you always ... Trust HIM completely that HE will always do good for you, HE knows all ...

I am living proof of a Living Good and Loving God that in all those times when HE has not answered my prayer HE did right, as later in life I realized  HE has saved me. All my praises to my God , HE always blessed and does good for all ...

Just believe that all will be happening good, towards the betterment of you and your family and society. HE has said, "The good work I have started in you, will finish it also"; which mean HE will not leave us in between because we have fallen or made mistakes. We might not be that strong and on the promises we have made to our Lord, But our Lord is a Lord of Justice, Promises, Faithfulness, Goodness and Love that HE will never leave us ...

This Promise gives us much of confidence that we are safe and our Lord will be with us always ...

Father we pray to you, help us to be strong and not to fall into tests and temptations that we may always do your will and stand in your praise ...

Amen ...

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