Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Faith ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Without Faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to HIM, for he who comes to God must believe that HE exists, and that HE is a rewarder of those who seek HIM ... (Hebrews 11:6)

Many a times most of us have questioned God, for something. which is always 'Why this God?'
Many a times we have doubted HIM, thinking why HE is not responding, Why HE is not seeing what i am going through. However, i have realized when we go through the tough times, HE is more with us. that feeling even to remember HIM and question HIM means we feel HIM. And it's HIS grace that we are able to talk this today. HE has kept us from getting harm.

When life throws all on you then it is difficult to stand and we fall and cry out to HIM. But also same time be rest assured that HE is there to make you stand again.
Even our closest will not understand, But our God surely understand us.

Renounce evil and even when you go through testing time, HE will give you grace to stand and will pull you out better than before in your situations.

Trust HIM that HE will always do good for you ...

Thank HIM always and Praise HIM for HIS goodness, HIS love ... though we don't deserve still HE has blessed us with that.

Father we pray to you destroy the sinful life in us and fill us with your everlasting love life , that we may always stand in your praise and do your will ...

Amen ...

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