Monday, April 1, 2013

HE is Risen … Alleluia …

Praise be the Lord …

As HE has said, HE came back and now is a Living God …

We follow the forty day period of lent, our Lord Jesus has gone through the tests and temptations for a period of forty days without food and water. HE did not fall and HE is called a sinless man. After HIS triumphal entry into Jerusalem, HE preached the word of God and saved many souls and also performed many miracles. HE predicted about HIS betrayal and going. However, HE also promised that HE will come back with the great glory and will be seated at the right hand of the God the Father Almighty …

As we all gathered in the midnight service where priest read the liturgy and proclaimed the Good news. He blessed and lightened the candle and from there on everyone was holding a burning candle. We all welcomed our Lord Jesus Christ , for HE is risen … HE got the victory over death and sin. Yes, HE has paid big ransom to save all humanity for which we are blessed.

There is none like you Lord …
We wish you all a Happy Easter … Happy Lord’s coming …

We confess that Jesus Christ is our only Lord …

Father we thank You that by sending Your own beloved Son you have saved us and showed us that how much You and Your Son loves us … Father grant us Your grace that we never fall and always do your will …

Amen …

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