Thursday, April 18, 2013

God's will ...

Praise be the Lord ...

We make out several plans in our life, in our work place, in our personal lives, in our families, and in our society that things should turn out according to our planning. 
Over us their is one power Almighty one , who controls all. Finally HIS will be done ...
What we plan and what we believe in, not necessarily good for us. 
Our God knows are future, HE has written it. HE knows what is best for us.

Rather than getting discouraged that our plans did not workout. We should be rest assured that their is some better plan my God has for me ... For HE has promised that HE will always lead me to triumph.

Yes, we do pray and we will with a trust that my God's decision will be the best for me.

Father , we pray to you grant us your grace that we should not get discouraged, but with a strong trust in You always stand on your path ...
We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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