Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lord is my Rock and my Redeemer ...

Praise be the Lord ...

We go through storms, where the wind blow us where we have never thought. Still we are alive, safe, still we are happy. Who does all this? God ... HE is the only one in complete control.

I am living proof of good God , even in the storm HE was holding me close to HIM and brought me out better than before.

Good or bad times, always look up to God ... HE is the only who will be with you, today and always ...

My God is my Rock, my stronghold,
HE is my Redeemer, relieves me from all my sufferings,
HE is my God ... I am blessed ...

Father we pray to you, As you have always been with your children, be with all, bless them that they always serve you and stand in your praise ...

Amen ...

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