Tuesday, April 30, 2013

HE will not change ...

Praise be the Lord ...

We are the heirs of the promise of God ...  We can trust in God's unchangeable character because it is impossible for God to lie. Since God is the ultimate promise keeper, we can bank on everything that HE has promised to be true. We can trust HIM with all our heart and rely on everything that HE has said.

Our expectation from people might can let us down, However from our God, we will be never be let down. Every promise that our God and Father has made is yes and Amen in Jesus Christ ...

May we be all filled with trust and hope to share the God's word that God is faithful to do all that HE has promised because HE is good Father who keeps HIS word ... and it is impossible for HIM to lie.

Father, we pray to you grant us with your Holy Spirit, that we may be filled with your love and peace and all that we do will show your great glory, your immeasurable great goodness ...

We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ... 

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