Saturday, April 27, 2013

HE restores my dropping spirits ...

Praise be the Lord ...

"He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake." (Psalm 23:3)

Sometimes we wander away. It is very easy to drift away from God. This is often unconscious, we don't realize that we're losing our first love, little by little. Worldly worries, takes us away from our love of God.

Trapped in the worldly pleasures, we often get into sin. Which leads us more away from our God.

When sin and sorrow has left us heart-broken, it is only the Good Lord who restores us ...

The way HE treats our sufferings, you will not be able to make out any mark. In such a finest way HE does.

Yes, we all have to concentrate on many things, as we living in this world. However, I understand we do not need to worry about things - How and what will happen. By worrying we can not solve out any of our problems. Yes, for sure with a trust in our God and peaceful mind we can get over those hurdles; As our God is with us always ...

Father we pray you, you know all our weakness and needs and as You have said, you will fulfill all according to your riches which is unending ... Holy Father, restore are spirits, that we may only have your words in us ...

We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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