Tuesday, April 2, 2013

God loves Imperfect People …

Praise be the Lord …
Our God is a perfect God, the righteous one and who loves righteousness …

HE created heavens and earth and all that in it. HE knows are weaknesses. We as humans are not perfect. HE knows this, and always gives us chance to improve.

We might be imperfect, but HIS grace is enough for us to become righteous. I always get reminded of HIS one promise that “I will never leave you …”
No matter what happens world goes up side down, But we have a promise from our God that HE will be with us always …
This promise itself gives great strength to stand up and walk again. Job being a faithful God’s servant, he has gone through tremendous suffering. But nothing took his life. Only because God was in complete control and will always be in complete control of our lives … God has delivered him with many folds of blessings because Job was faithful and served Lord even in the times of this suffering.

Jesus has said, not well; but, sick people need doctor …

If we are imperfect then our Lord is the only one who can makes us perfect.
Dwell in HIM and we will be perfect …

Father we pray to you, break all evil chains which are holding back your innocent people and stopping them to be close to You. We also pray all those people who are going through a physical and mental pain and some medical urgency, will get relived from all sickness.
We thank you Lord for releasing your blessings and healing towards the prayers we made through our Lord Jesus Christ …

Amen …

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