Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Love you Lord ...

Praise be the Lord ...

I love you, O LORD, my strength. (Psalm 18:1)

The love we feel in our hearts for our Lord, our Lord has way beyond love for us ...
HIS love is an unconditional love , an unending ...
No matter what; time looks good or bad , HE is always with all HIS children. HE never left any of us.

HE is the Father of all, the creator ... all I want to say love the Lord , love HIM not just because HE gives you what you ask. But just love HIM ... because HE loves us all very much ...

Father, I am madly in love with you ... We are blessed Lord that you choose us to be present in this time ... Yes, we will share what we have received ...
There's a freedom HE gave us all , a Freewill and I am happy for what you created me, my Lord ...

Father , we pray to you give all your children strength that they do your will with whole heart. Bring back all those Lord who have gone astray. Comfort all those who are lonely and depressed, fill all with your love Lord ...

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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