Friday, June 21, 2013

Patience and Strength

Praise be the Lord ...

My strength and patience comes from my Lord my God ...

The more I wait, the more I grow up in my patience. I am growing more in understanding. For I believe that Lord is in complete control and even if something getting delayed or not happening now then for my good only. Everything has a right time and all will happen in it's right time as my God has written.

I deny to get upset, though situation looks all bad. I am completely uplifted, as my spirit is lifted by the words of my God ... HIS promises I know are for forever ... All I see is miracles by HIM and I am expecting more miracles , as my God is making all happening in HIS children's favor.
I will see the goodness of Lord , and I will praise HIM all the days of my life. HE has blessed me, made me HIS own. I Love you my Lord, my Father ...

I can do all things through Christ , who strengthens me ...

Father we thank you for all, guide us on your righteous path, keep us from evil. Lord release all those who are trapped in evil chains. We praise you and thank you and we do all the days of our life.

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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