Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Seek HIM ...

Praise be the Lord ...

The Lord is good
to those who seek HIM ... (Lamentations 3:25)

Seek God, or rather I should say - desire God, we should have craving for God, longing for God ...
Seek HIM diligently ...

It is God Himself that puts the desire to know HIM within us. He created us for a relationship with Himself and is eager that we would want it. But God also made us with free will, which is the only way love can exist. Forced love is not love.

As HE is righteous so HE created all HIS children the same way. Sometimes we humans make lot of compromises, which leads us into trouble and makes us fall short of God's blessings.
There's nothing which HE don't know, even our buried secrets HE knows.

We have to be bold and fearless, and walk up to the Lord, asking forgiveness. HE is waiting for us ...
Surrender yourself to HIM and HE will make your wrongs rights ..
All points us towards an everlasting relationship with God ... and that is what Jesus came for ... Come to HIM and you won't be disappointed.

Father, we thank you and praise you for your goodness. Place your merciful hands on all those who are suffering from some or the other disease, physical and mental abuse, all those who are under the control of addictions. Release all those from evil boundations.

We make all our prayer though our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

Father, we thank you for releasing your blessings towards our prayers ...

Praise be the Lord ...

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