Thursday, June 27, 2013

Free will ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. (Psalm 17:7)

Lord , we know you are the only one who does that; which we call a miracle. Many a times I wonder looking up in the sky HE is watching , HE is listening ... Yes He does ...

As I read in Holy Bible , God has created all very beautiful and lovely, without any hatred and pain.
Sometimes I think why God has given all humans free will, with knowledge! But I have got my answer as well. When we do something with free will that means it's with our whole heart. How good that feeling is, we all have experienced in some or the other way in our lives. You can not force anyone to love you, it has to be from free will ...
Though God is the creator of all ... the owner, still HE has given us all free will.
HE has given us freedom, but we need to understand and use the freedom carefully. We can not make ourselves the slave of sin.

We belong to the one who is above all , We call HIM Father, Lord, God ...

Father, we are blessed for all you have given to us. We pray to you Lord place your merciful hand on all who are lost in addictions and sin, bring them back to your unending light ... save us Lord ...
Give us all courage that we renounce evil and stand strong with your name ...

We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

Praise the Lord ...

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