Wednesday, June 5, 2013

True Friend ...

Praise be the Lord ...

HE who finds a faithful friend has found a treasure. (Sirach 6:14)

In our childhood , it was pretty easy to make and keep friends. Conflicts seemed to be dealt with quite easily. But as we grow old and old, friendships have become more and more complicated. There are more factors involved and conflicts can run deeper between friends. We become more defensive, and find it harder to forgive and forget. I’ve found that as you get old friendships become hard to make and harder to maintain.

God is relational and God has made us relational people. So why do we find relationships such hard work? Ever since Adam and Eve our world has been marked by strained relationships.

Often I recall the hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus" ...

I understand all I am suppose to do is to be good and true, If that makes people like or dislike me it's there opinion. By pleasing someone you can have a friend for sometime, because when you are not pleasing them they would not like you and not like you to be your friend. Be the original what you are, what God has created you. If you want to please then please God, do what HE likes.

Be true and good to all, forgive people if they have done wrong to you, be kind to the needy, share what God has blessed you with, motivate someone who has given up on themselves. Speak God's words more and more, but ensure HIS words should also reflect in your actions.
We have a true friend in Jesus ... 
I can recall another hymn

"HE is my everything ...
 HE is my all ...
 HE is my everything, Oh great and small ..."

Don't try to make people happy, just do right and good and you will have all with you ... First of all you have God with you above all ... So be at rest and do good ...

Father, we pray to you grant us wisdom that, all we speak and do, bring glory to your name ...

We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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