Monday, June 10, 2013

Praise be the Lord ...

 Peace be with you ...

We try to share HIS words, that's what this blogs is for. I am just a person like you however as my Lord has created me, so I am a masterpiece.

Today just want to say to all, look at yourself as a good's creation. HE has invested in us; so for sure we are precious. I am blessed that my Lord choose me and sent me in this world to do HIS will ...

No matter how much wrong or the rough path you coming from, remember our God knows all.
Nothing which is hidden from HIM ... HE still call us. Be bold and ask forgiveness for all wrong and all that has happened and believe that HE will forgive you. Because HE will ... HE is a merciful God , filled with immense love ...

HE is our heavenly Father and I am blessed to be HIS child ...

Father, we thank you for choosing us and calling us. Place your merciful hand on all your children and fill them with your Holy Spirit ... Deliver us all from evil Lord ...

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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