Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Loud are the actions ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:18)

Old saying, actions speaks louder than words ... One's strength you can only make out with their actions not by words. Everyone can talk, but only few can prove what they talk.

Best person to look at is our Lord Jesus Christ , who not only spoke but also proved all that with HIS actions. People notice what we do; more than what we talk. Our kids at home, learn first from us only. Our daily activities - If they see us not being regular in our daily tasks ,or skipping our meals or not respecting our elders then that's how they will become. Show what you want them to become.

Reflect what you want to see in others. Be good if you want good, respect others, if you want to be respected, love others unconditionally , if you want them to love you the same way. Love God, because HE loves you ... Lord Jesus has shown us how to be a good person, all we need to do is follow HIS teachings and put them in our actions. Earn the favor of all not by words but by your actions.
Show all what you can do, rather than telling them. Let people remember you for your good actions.

Father , we pray to you grant us wisdom that we understand and follow the path of Your Son Jesus Christ ... Lord we also pray to you all those people who are suffering from Dementia / Alzheimer heal them, bless them that till the time they are on this earth they be in their complete senses and do all which will bring Glory to Your name ... Bless them with your Peace Lord ...

We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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