Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Accept all ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Accept whatever happens to you. (Ecclesiasticus 2:4)
The Lord loves us, and arranges everything for our good; even the things we don’t like are always for our good.

It's very much clear, that whatever happens to us we should accept it, rather than fighting it.
Remember our God loves us very much and will always align good things for us. What we see might not look good, but there's always a divine purpose for it. That's why God allows some things to happen to us, or the better way to say it happens for us. So we improve in all manners.

Be motivated and trust God always ...

Father, we thank you for your unending blessings. Place your merciful hand on all those who are in evil chains, release all those who are trapped in addiction.

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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