Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I can do all ...

Praise be the Lord ...

I can do all things in HIM that strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Firstly, take up all things which are necessary, secondly those things which are possible. You'll realize all that you felt not possible or difficult is happening.

Our strength comes from our God, HE strengthen us for all hard work and gives us success.
What all we think is impossible, becomes possible when our God is on our side. The courage to take up a challenge in studies or at work or in any difficult situation; that courage comes from our God ...
That invisible energy which we feels sometimes, like an electric current- a spark is all HIS work.

We humans are weak, because we tend to fall into temptations. But the God we serve is the all powerful, mighty one, above all.

Miracles in my own life, not one or two in fact everyday I see miracles. My God my Father does all that from small things to big.
Believe and see everything around and including you is a miracle.

Father, we thank you for guiding us always, my Lord we in our own strength can not do anything. We need you Lord ... Be with us and strengthen us so we always do Your will ...
We thank you and Praise you Lord for all your goodness ...

All these prayers we make through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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