Friday, May 17, 2013

Trust in the Lord ...

Praise be the Lord ...

One who trusts in Lord, will never be let down. Our God is a mighty God, loves us very much and does all for our good only.

Trust God ... Trust HIM , HIS unending loves always surrounds us. Even those times when we don't call to HIM, HE still in control of our lives. Watches over us all time.

Many who, trust in HIM. Some or the other time comes in life, where even their faith shakes. Due to worries of this world. But we can not forget this, that HE is God knows all and does all for our Good ...

Father we pray to you, guide us on your righteous path ... also Lord bless my mother Lord Jesus, it's her birthday today. Bless her that she see your light and love and always walk on your path ...
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord ...
Amen ...

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