Thursday, May 9, 2013

God speaks to everyone ...

Praise be the Lord ...

No one has seen God, but many believe in HIM , and out of those many hear HIM also. HE speaks to all, however only some are able to hear HIM.

Have you heard someone's testimony, how God has spoken to them in particular situations? Many feel does God really speak or it's mere an emotion or feeling! The answer is Yes, HE does speak.

HE speaks to us through HIS words, given to us - Bible ...
Through the small voice inside, which we hear many a times.
Through the counsel and advice of some one.
Through dreams
Through visions
Through circumstances
Through Inner conviction and Peace

I heard HIM today, and I can not express that joy. Way beyond any imagination. To know HIS will in itself is a great joy and then doing it way more than that.

We need to be sensitive towards what we do, keeping in mind the commandments HE has given us.

Lord will speak to you, as HE has always been doing. Only we have not given attention. Pay attention to HIM , HE do talks to you ...

Father we pray to you, let us be sensitive towards your word and teaching that we get that into our lives and the same we share with others.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord ...

Amen ...

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