Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hope and Faith ...

Praise be the Lord ...

"We live by Faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Hope and Faith - A small word, however entire world is on it.

A classification to understand better: God Fearing and Atheistic, both live their life. One believes in God and other don't.

Person believes in God, have hopes for good because of his faith in God. 
Person just have hopes, because he depends on people in the world that they will help.

Person A lives by faith , wherein person B lives by sight.

We need to understand our creator is God, not people. God has written our days, not people. God knows what is good for us and what we need, not people.
Yes, God has said, love one another as I have loved you and also to love your neighbor. However, that does not mean, that we put God second and start pleasing people.

To be with people and to be only with people are two different things.
And I understand that we need to be with people, but before we need to be with God and then only we can be with people.

No matter what situation we go through, we still hope for the best. And when we have our God with us, then that hope becomes our faith, which makes that dream come to pass.

We can look up to many examples from Bible, Which shows it's the faith of the people which has saved them.
Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." (Luke 7:50)

All i know if you believe all is possible. To believe in good and bad, both requires your trust and belief. So better to believe for good. God always has good for us. Have Faith in HIM and HE will make you see marvelous things.

Father we pray to you, Strengthen our hearts and faith, that we walk by your words and share the good news with all whom we meet.
We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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