Monday, May 20, 2013

God is first and above all ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Yes, God is first and above all ... Being the creator of all, HE is above all ... HE is in control of all ...

We often get so much involved in worldly things and people around us, that we put our God second. HE holds the first place, HE is the master, HE loves us more than anyone, HE has a complete right on us. Still we make HIM second.

It's not fancy food, clothes, big bungalows, jewels, vehicles. All we need is HIM ... HE fulfills our needs. HE knows what we need and when and gives us always.

Keep HIM first, HE is our Father ... Loves HIM as HE loves us ... Acknowledge HIM in all your ways ...

Father we pray to you, break the walls of hatred, irritation and anger and let your love fill every heart and every place ...

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord ...

Amen ...

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