Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jesus is ascended …

Praise be the Lord …

Today we celebrate the feast of Jesus ascension. Jesus has gone through the betrayal; the pain and the suffering, being a sinless man, all righteous, God’s son. He suffered however that suffering lead to the resurrection which delivered us all.

After HIS resurrection, according to scriptures HE appeared to many and told them to preach the gospel to the nations and baptize them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit …

Our Lord Jesus has a victory over death, sin, evil. HE has crushed their heads and stands high above all.

HE has left this earth long back, but just in the human form. HE is always omnipresent and everywhere. HE is Lord …

It’s not the only responsibility of priest’s and religious leaders. But of every individual to preach the gospel. To share the good news with all.

Father we pray to you, grant us your grace that we preach the gospel as we have received from you. Let your peace and love be felt everywhere in each heart.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord …

Amen …

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