Tuesday, May 21, 2013

HE closes and opens door ...

Praise be the Lord ...

“I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
(Revelation 3:8)

We often face close doors. something we are really expecting to happen, but we are turned down. We think God is not at my side, that's why all going against me.
But the truth is that God is on our side and always. Closing of some doors, does not mean that world has come to an end. This simply means God has another way and a right time to bless me ...
A way which is right, which is true and of my favor. Sometimes a closed door means, HE has saved us from a big trouble. And in due time HE will open up a door which will be way beyond better than the previous closed one.

I trust God completely, HE is in complete control. What HE has planned for me will come to pass for sure. Because HE is God , HE can do all and will do for our good always ...

Stop getting bitter, and know our God is a living God ...

Father we pray to you, strengthen our faith ... guide us on your righteous path ...

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord ...
Amen ... 

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