Monday, March 25, 2013

Welcome the king of kings Lord Jesus Christ ...

Praise be the Lord …

Palm Sunday, the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ …

As Holy week starts and the services in church we attend we understand reason behind all that took place. It was God’s will, by coming in the world in the form of a man and going through all temptations and situations in life and then humbly accepting all blame. HE was sinless, the one who knew no sin. But took all pain for the sins which we have committed.

We should always consult God, before taking any decision or step, for ourselves or for people related to us and also for those we don’t know.

As HE has said love your neighbour as you love yourself. If we pray for each other, do in favor of each other than this place will be filled with love and peace.

To make or break is in our own hands … God has given us a free will, and with that HE has blessed us with knowledge of good and bad and also HE gave us the commands what to do and not. Let’s choose the right path and do all what pleases our Father …

Lord Jesus we welcome you in our lives and make you our Lord and savior. We confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord …

Lord we pray to you, help us to forgive and love all, as you have taught us …
I declare that we all will stand in your praise Father always …
Amen …

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