Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Watch and Pray …

Praise be the Lord …

Jesus knew that even our spirit is willing but from flesh we are weak, so HE said to watch and pray that we should not fall into temptation. HE has always guided us well in advance, so we should not fall.

HE said I will be with you always, but we; only leave HIS hand. We run behind the worldly pleasures.

God said, HE is the provider of our needs. HE knows our needs before they even arise.
We need to set out concentration on HIM … HE delivers us from all adversities. Even form those problems which we create.

There are times, as we have also felt. That temptations and tests will come, not to break us but to make us more strong. So we need to build up our faith more strong. And know that God is with us and all will be good, as HE is in complete control …

Lord we pray to you, let our thoughts, our words and our actions all show your greatness and loving nature.

Amen …

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