Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Every day is a Blessing ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Every day is a Blessing... The Sun rises everyday, light comes and day starts.

Our Father who gives us abundantly all gifts without any expectation.

We do have times of afflictions and feels that all I have is only problem! Its hard to be true and faithful when you feel and see world is against you . But we should understand that the strength to stand even in hard times we get from our God ...
Nothing is hidden form HIM , HE knows each of us even before our creation. HE is the perfect Father ... who knows what's good and what's not for HIS children.

More than our problems, let's should concentrate on our blessings ... when we concentrate so much on our problem and talk about them. Then why not to write down on a piece of paper our blessings and talk about them more and more, and soon we will need a diary to write our blessings, so many to count are in our future ...

Blessings ; that in morning we get up everyday from bed, that we have to get ready and go to work, that we get food to eat everyday, we have to take care of our family, we have to pay our bills and many more keep counting your blessings ... 
Blessings - because God has blessed us with many resources and made us capable to work further to beautify them. Give thanks to the God ... and Praise HIM all the times.

Beyond our thinking HE does wonders for us ... Lets Thank God in all circumstances and Praise HIM for HIS unending love for all of us ...

God bless you all ...

We pray and believe that we will see never ending blessings from our Lord and there will be Peace and Love everywhere ...

Amen ...

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