Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hear the word of the Lord …

Praise be the Lord …

Listening to God is communication,
Understanding what God says is comprehend,
Trusting in what God says is confidence,
Being transformed by what God says is change,

I understand the mentioned process is communicating with God , which can lead to spiritual change in one’s life.

How God, communicates with us, is through Bible, through HIS Holy Spirit, through the situations in our life, through the people in our lives.

Lord Jesus has performed may miracles quoted in Bible. Still the elders and religious leaders, who claimed to be the knowledgeable people in those times, did not recognize HIM. Reading a word from scripture is of no use, when it’s not put into action.

I can recall a hymn,
“Go, the Mass is ended,
children of the Lord.
Take God’s Word to others
as you've heard it spoken to you.
Go, the Mass is ended,
go and tell the world
the Lord is good, the Lord is kind,
and loves us every one …

Let’s not keep it to ourselves what we have received; Let’s share it and multiply. That’s the will of the Lord.

I stand boldly for my Lord Jesus Christ …

Father we pray to you, let us be sensitive to your voice and work according to your directions and make this place the way you have created it beautiful with love and peace …

Amen …

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