Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lord show me your light …

Praise be to the Lord …

2 Samuel 22:29
You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.

2013 is a year of Faith …

Faith in God , that HE will deliver us from all adversities. Even when it seems economy is going through recession, even when many of us are bounded by evil ways, even when one is ready to kill other, times when we feel to cry out loud when all goes against us. God will deliver us … weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning …

God is the only who will pull us out of the darkness.

When we don’t understand how it happened! It is God … HE is capable of all, He is in complete control. Give up all your worries to HIM and rely on HIM … Lord you are my only hope and you know my needs , all I look up to is You, make me according to Your will …

Let’s kneel in front of our Lord Jesus Christ , Lord Jesus we ask forgiveness for our sins. Have mercy on us. Let Your Love and Peace be felt in each heart …

Amen …

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