Sunday, March 17, 2013

HE has risen …

Praise be the Lord …

He carried our burdens and then HE relived us from our burdens. HE died to bring an end to our sufferings and saved us … and then as HE said HE will rise again. So did HE … He rose from the dead and now HE is a living God.

As we read in Genesis, blood is the sign of sacrifice for sins. So HE became that sacrifice by shedding HIS blood and bought an everlasting life for us …

Now we have to ensure not just by saying it, but also by our actions to leave all worries and burden we feel and trust in our resurrected Lord that HE has already paid for our sins. Took the pain which we cannot even imagine. So Let’s respect that Love by loving HIM, by becoming an obedient child of the Father, by sharing Good News with all. Sharing HIS Love and Peace …

It’s true it’s not our deeds, but HIS grace saved us.
Whoever we meet; the person should feel that we are overflowing with the love of God and that we are a child of God …

We pray that we should not get worried by the worldly materialistic things. However, put our concentration and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ … We make this prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ …

Amen …

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