Friday, March 22, 2013

Only One God …

Praise be the Lord …

We strongly believe and confess that there is only one true God … who is Almighty, Unchangeable, Incomprehensible,  The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit … three indeed, but one essence …

Creator of all … visible and invisible. Though we have not seen God … But sometimes we feel HIS presence so strong that it’s more than the physical presence.

I have experienced when my God is close to me. HE has saved me. Give up the hunger for worldly pleasures and you will find HIM. A Peace and Love which you can not find anywhere, But just in HIM only ... I stand boldly for my God my Jesus Christ …

“The Spirit is willing but the Body is Weak” (Matthew 26:36-46)
We constantly need to pray to God … that do not bring us to temptations and give us courage to stand strong on His path in all circumstances …

As we are moving close to the Holy week, a time we feel sorrow for all hard ache pain HE has gone through so we might be saved. However, same time we shout with joy and praise that HE has got the victory over death and evil. All we need to do to pick up our cross and humbly walk the way our Lord Jesus has taught us.
For HE has promised “I will never leave you nor forsake you”

Father we pray to you, grant us grace that we do not fall into temptations and bless all those who do not know you that they see your light … Your Peace and Love be felt everywhere …

Amen …

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