Tuesday, March 26, 2013

God’s love for us …

Praise be the Lord …

Jesus said to the disciples to go and arrange for the feast, however same time inside HE knew everything. That the hour is near.

When any of us know that we are not responsible for something and someone else has done that mistake, then we quickly jump to clarify the whole world that I am innocent and I have not done anything wrong. Wherein Jesus, our Lord, who is sinless, righteous man. Knowingly took all punishment for our wrong doings on HIMSELF, and not even once tried to defend HIMSELF …

I understand God can only do that … HE is the one who showed us what is love, how to be humble, how to share. By giving up HIS own life to save us, HE has laid down an exemplary act of humbleness and love …

We have a lot to learn from our Lord … We need to listen to that sensitive voice in us who always tell us before taking any step, what is right and what is not. We do have blessings of our Lord and the knowledge required to do things, because HE has equipped us with all good when HE created each one of us. All we need to do is look from heart given by God, not by worldly sinful human nature.

HE has promised that HE will never leave us … and HIS word is true and for forever …

We renounce all evil.

We stand in Praise of our Lord Jesus Christ always …

Father we pray to You , forgive us for our wrongs. Destroy the sinfulness in our lives, our sinful nature which keeps us far from you and fill us with your eternal life …

Amen …

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