Friday, March 15, 2013

Jesus knows our afflictions,and delivers us ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Jesus died for our sins. Being the son of God, HE took all humiliation and suffering to save us.
No greater example we have and will not even have of what Jesus has done for us. HE sacrificed HIMSELF for us.

When we take part on every Friday in the journey to the cross. There is a deep pinch we feel, as if someone has stepped on our wounds. By taking part in way of the cross when we feel so much hurt for what our Lord has gone through. Then how much hurt HE must have felt ! Who took all on HIM !

The love HE has shown by sacrificing HIMSELF is nowhere we can found in this world.

Jesus died for us so that we can live together with HIM ...
HE has promised when we will call to HIM, HE will answer ... Let's ask for forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us and cleanse us from the trap of evil and let's promise to HIM that we will be on HIS path and become an obedient child.
Love out Father  as HE loves us very much and wants all of us to be with HIM in peace ...

Lord Jesus place your merciful hand on all and free us from the evil chains and that we always serve you and stand in your Praise ... We make this prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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