Monday, July 8, 2013

Guidance ...

Praise be the Lord ...

A nation without God's guidance is a nation without orders. (Proverbs 29:18)

We tend to guide others, specifically people who are younger to us. Parents guide their children, because they want them to become a good and responsible person. Teachers guide students in their studies.

Above all God ... HE always guides us. We need to be open to HIS teaching. Apply that in our lives and we will do good.

He will have compassion on us if we accept his guidance and are eager for HIM to show us where we are wrong. (Sirach 18:14)

All like to hear praise and good about themselves. But knowing our mistakes is equally important, this gives us a chance to improve in our weak areas. And when we walk up to God with a willing heart to know our mistakes and correct them, HE will surely accept us and guide us to be clean in our thoughts and actions.

There's no shame from God, HE already knows us very well. HE knows what's inside our heart. No matter what we have done. Even when we are in worse, If we'll walk up to God ... HE will accept us. Let's take a bold step and walk up to God asking for forgiveness for our wrongs and a guidance to help us to become all good that HE has created us to be ...

Father we are sorry for our wrongs, guide us and show us the righteous path. Lord heal all those who are suffering mentally and physically. Bless them Lord ...

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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