Thursday, July 11, 2013

Continue in prayer ...

Praise be the Lord ...

Pray , hope and don't worry ... more than we talk about our problems, we should pray for them, with a belief that our good God will bless us according to HIS good will; and never worry. Worrying for what? how ? when? is of no use. When you have prayed and hoping for it, that's what make things move towards positive. Whether we are experiencing happy times or sad, our prayers should never take a back seat. The spark in everyone's life is- something new will happen. No one likes repetitive things. And what can give you the spark in life is a continuous prayer with a hope ...

Our God loves us gives HIS children all good wonderful things, as HE has said, I will not withhold any good things from my children ...

Show God that we hope, we trust in HIM ... Pray and then believe ... There's a peace, immense peace you feel when you talk to HIM , when you put everything in front of HIM and ask HIM to guide you.

Father we pray to you, place your merciful hand on all those who are going through lot of mental pressure and sickness, heal them and fill them with your peace, so that they may stand in your presence and praise you. Glory to God in the highest ...

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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