Thursday, July 18, 2013

I seek Your face ...

Praise be the Lord ...

My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek. (Psalm 27:8)

Seek means, to obtain or desire to achieve something and Diligently means, constant or attentive or persistent in effort in doing anything. When we get these two together then it's constantly desire to be towards God ...  seek God diligently

God created us and God created us for HIM
Every parent wish to be loved by their kids, similar way our Heavenly Father wants to be loved by us, by free will, with our whole heart ...

I have experienced those who seek HIM never lack in anything. When you seek HIM there's an immense flow of love and excitement which you feel running always through your veins. An excitement to look everyone and everything in happiness, in greatness, in love of God ...

I might not have anything which our human world called riches. But I have the riches in my God, in the belief of HIM being with me, in HIS love for me. I am rich in my Heavenly Father and in my Lord Jesus Christ ...

I also get depressed many a times looking at the situations, which I know I should not be. However, same time I am thankful to my Lord who gives me courage and strength to make me stand again. People who laugh at you, don't bother about them. Because that's all they can do, It takes courage to bend down and help anyone. And it takes more courage to get up on your own, when all laugh at you and always remember that courage which you feel inside is our God , HE will never leave us. HE promised to be with us and HIS words are true for forever ...

Father, we pray to you guide us, show us the path which is pleasing to you. Save us from falling into temptations. Bless all those who have lost hope in their lives, fill them all with Your love and peace, that they get to know You and praise You in the presence of all. Also Lord bless all those people who are unemployed and going through pressure and difficult work situation give them peace, wisdom and strength to carry out the task and work according to your good will ...

We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...

Amen ...

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