Thursday, August 8, 2013

Through Faith in Christ, you can boldly approach Me with confidence ...

Through our new life in Jesus Christ, we have complete unrestricted access to our heavenly Father ...

We can call HIM 'Abba' 'Father' , this boldness to call God - The Father, is given by our God and HIS only Son Jesus Christ ...
This is not because of our own deeds but because of the goodness of Almighty God ... I take immense pleasure to say I belong to Jesus Christ ... HE is the only one who has has redeemed us from the darkness and given us HIS light for forever. This gift we have to keep with very much care and live a life pleasing to HIM ...

Father , we pray to you let Your peace and love be filled in all homes that the families be united in Your love forever ...
We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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