Sunday, August 11, 2013

Miraculous Lord ...

Praise be the Lord ...


Miraculous - Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention. Highly improbable and extraordinary and bringing very welcome consequences: "our miraculous escape".

When things don't go our way, we look towards God ... which is wrong. We have to look towards HIM all the times, not only when we need something. "As it is written acknowledge HIM in all your ways" ...
Miracles comes from the Holy one, The Supreme power , above all - Our God ...

All HE did and doing and will do is all a miracle. Start from the creation till a baby forming in mother's womb and in fact in all ways their are miracles.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has said Believe and it will be done unto you. So I boldly say, I believe in God the Father, HIS Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and I believe my God has lined up all good for HIS children and we will see all that come to pass. So be encouraged, The God we serve is a faithful, filled with mercies and a loving God ...

Father , we thank you for everyone and for all you have blessed us with. Release all those people who are trapped in addictions and sin. Heal them my Lord, have mercy on us all.
We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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