Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Guide O Lord ...

Guidance is what all of us need some or the other time time in life.
Many a times we stand on a crossing which leads to many ways, and to decide which way to go looks very difficult.
We look for people around us, to help is in taking decision. However we forget one thing these people don't know us thoroughly.
You will only trust an experienced doctor rather than the one who is just studying to be a doctor.
The only one who knows us well, from the beginning is our God ...
If you need help then look to God , call upon HIM , and surely HE will answer us.

Sometimes many things we can not make our loved ones understand but God understands us in those times as well.

Place your trust your hope in one and only who is the creator.
And I boldly say that I belong to my Heavenly Father ...

Father , we thank you for all and everything. Grant us wisdom and knowledge that all we do being glory to your great name ...
Bind all your children with your love and peace ...
We make our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

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