Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord ...

Faith guides us and we follow its sure light on the way which conducts us to God and HIS homeland ...

Father, all we have is You ... All our hopes are from You ..

I am so much thankful to You my Holy Father , for all You have done. You have blessed me way beyond of my thoughts. Grant us wisdom and knowledge that all we do bring glory to your great name ...

You have made me glad , You have made me glad , JESUS has made me glad ...
Enter HIS gates with thanksgiving in your heart , for HE has made me glad ...

Holy Father, place your merciful hand on all those who have gone astray. Bring them back on your path. Save them Lord ... All those who are suffering from mental and physical illness, Heal them with your touch.
Bless each and everyone Lord ...

We make these prayers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Amen ...

Thank you Lord for all , I will share your wonders with all and for all great that you have done.